Last Updated on December 29, 2021 by Guillermina
Thinking of growing Tabasco peppers indoors? Click to learn all the tips and tricks needed for a successful harvest.
Tabasco pepper is a bright and colorful chili pepper that comes from Mexico. They are great for sauces, salsa, Mexican dishes, but also for dehydration in chili powder. Like many other hot peppers, this species has many worthwhile health benefits. It promotes your heart health, encourages weight loss, fights cancer, improves digestion, and can even soothe migraine headaches.
If you think they are hard to grow, It’s time for you to think again. Here are our simple tips for successfully growing Tabasco peppers indoors.
Appearance & Origin
The Tabasco pepper is a variety of chili pepper species called Capsicum frutescens. It owes its name to the state in Mexico. Although not the hottest in the world, they range in heat from 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville Heat Units on the Scoville Scale. – So, it’s quite a hot pepper.
Tabasco peppers plant grows in an expansive bushy pattern. Wondering how big do Tabasco peppers get? The shrub grows to an impressive height to 5 feet tall (60 inches / 1.5 m). Although, smaller plants are more normal.
Each shrub produces loads of peppers (much, much more than you will probably need) in a range of hues. The fruit is tapered and most often grows below 2 inches. It is usually creamy yellow all the way up the vibrant, bright red color. Sometimes you can even see a rainbow of different colors together on a single plant.
Types Of Tabasco Peppers
The standard Tabasco pepper (capsicum frutescens) is the species most commonly grown in North America. However, it is not the only one because there are even a few rare varieties of Tabasco that are grown around the world. In addition, this type is best known for being the main ingredient of the famous Tabasco sauce.
- Tabasco Greenleaf – was created to emulate the original Tabasco pepper but is resistant to the Tobacco Etch Virus. Apart from being resistant, the Greenleaf variety does not differ much from the original.
- Tabasco Hawaiian – as its name suggests, it is a cross between Hawaiian hot peppers and Tabasco peppers. The fruit is one to two inches long, and in shades from pungent yellow to fiery orange.
- Tabasco Short Yellow – it is easily recognizable because it grows on a very small pepper plant and is only one foot high and wide.
Growing Tabasco Peppers Indoors – Is That Feasible?
Of course, it is there is no reason to avoid it. They will be just as hot as when grown outdoors. There is no difference.
Choosing A Pot
To grow a Tabasco pepper plant, choose a pot that has enough drainage holes. You can even put a saucer or tray underneath to catch the runoff. In terms of size, a smaller pepper plant needs a 12-inch diameter pot. On the other hand, larger plants may need an 18-inch pot.
Choosing the right soil is key to productive pepper plants. Try to get the best quality potting mix that is well-drained and loose. It is very important for it to be rich in organic matter and fertile. You can even mix 5-10 gm of neem cake at the time of soil preparation. This will protect the plant from soil-borne diseases and pests.
It is very important to keep the soil slightly moist constantly and never allow the plant to dry out completely. However, do not overdo it in watering, because too much water can reduce the heat of your peppers.
Also, try to avoid watering overhead as this can lead to wet foliage which is the most common cause of fungal infections. By the time the flowers appear, reduce the frequency of watering. Not too much because dry soil results in flower drops.
The Tabasco pepper plant thrives well in environments with high daytime temperatures and nighttime temperatures that are only slightly cooler. The ideal temperature is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and around 70 at night.
If temperatures drop to 28 degrees Fahrenheit or below, you can expect damage. If your home is particularly cold, you can also use artificial light. Feel free to place it about 3 inches above, it will help it grow healthy.
The Tabasco pepper loves supplementation. Therefore, it would be good to fertilize it once a month with compost or manure tea. This will surely boost the plant’s growth.
Pinching is a great way to make the plant bushier. You can do this when the plant is about six inches tall. Simply cut off the top of the growth to make it more of a bush type. Also, be careful if the flowers are appearing early and try to remove them.
Watch out for diseases or infected leaves or branches, they need to be removed as well. This will direct the plant’s energy, and it will therefore grow and become healthy.
Pests & Diseases
Aphids will be your biggest enemies. Besides them, you can expect the appearance of spiders, especially in dry and warm conditions that we can find in our homes.
We must also mention diseases; the most common are rot, mildew, and bacterial spot. Therefore, make regular inspections an integral part of your Tabasco pepper’s plant care.
When it comes to harvesting, be gentle and precise. It is very important to avoid damaging the plant or the fruit itself. The easiest way to ensure this is to use sharp garden shears. Also, for the best taste and overall quality, try consuming Tabasco peppers the same day they are picked.
To Wrap Things Up
The Tabasco pepper is an extremely healthy ingredient that is best known for being used to make the famous Tabasco sauce. It ripens from yellow-green to orange to red and has a unique, smoky flavor. In frost-free areas, this type of pepper can live up to several years. It is very easy to grow and does not require excessive maintenance; moreover, it is suitable even for novice gardeners.
What do you think about growing Tabasco peppers indoors? Write to us below.
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