Last Updated on October 29, 2021 by Guillermina
Did you know that growing coconut palm trees indoors is possible? We all have seen palm trees everywhere and most of these plants are really tall. When we say tall, we towering trees of 100 feet.
You can see a lot of palm trees in tropical countries. Some large palm trees known as Queen Palm Trees, which are 35 feet tall are usually grown in home. But what is most interesting is that these tall and big palm trees can actually be turned into a bonsai.
You can train them to grow in pot in the home. Growing coconut palm trees indoors is quite fun. Plus these palm trees can really look cool.
Guide On Growing Coconut Palm Trees Indoors
To begin growing a coconut plant, you need a fresh coconut that still has the husk on it. You have to shake it to know it. Funny as it sounds but this is true.
Your coconut should sound like it has water inside. Usually, your palm will grow naturally if you just leave the coconut in any corner. Just wait for it to turn brown and in a matter of weeks, you could see a sprout growing.
Just a tip, coconuts are monocot. That means it only has one large cotyledon that is called scutellum. If you cut, you won’t have any other coconut. Once it has grown a sprout, you need to remove the exterior shell of your coconut.
Leave the inner hard shell. Then soak it in water for 2-3 days. After soaking, you can start planting it your pot. In some cases, gardeners would make the coconut shell shiny and paint it with a varnish so it stays glossy.
The reason for this is that you don’t have to bury in the soil the whole coconut. You simply need to dig a shallow hole in the soil and bury at least one-fourth of the shell. Then you will see your coconut growing soon.
The Right Temperature For Growing Coconut Palm Trees Indoors
The best spot for growing coconut palm trees indoors is a warm spot. They do best in spots that are 70 degrees F or even warmer. The trick on how to grow coconut palm indoors is to water them frequently.
While these plants love sunny weather conditions, they also need a lot of water. as long as the water doesn’t overflow and soak the plant. The following are more tips for caring for your coconut palm tree:
When your coconut tree has begun developing, you need to do a couple of things to assist with keeping it solid.
- To begin with, water the coconut tree habitually. However long the soil depletes well, you truly can’t water it again and again. In the event that you choose to repot your coconut tree, make sure to add sand or vermiculite to the new soil to keep the water depleting great.
- Second, developing coconut palms are substantial feeders that require normal, complete manure. Search for manure that gives both the essential supplements in addition to follow supplements like boron, manganese, and magnesium.
- Third, coconut palms are freezing touchy. In the event that you live in a space that gets chilly, your coconut plant should come inside for the colder time of year. Give supplemental light and get it far from drafts. In the mid-year, develop it outside and ensure you place it in an extremely radiant and warm spot.
Coconut trees that are filled in holders will in general be fleeting. They may just live for five to six years, however, despite the fact that they are fleeting, developing coconut trees is a great task.
Rules When Growing Coconut Palm Trees Indoors
Excited to grow coconut palm trees indoors? Follow these rules and you will have a thriving indoor palm tree.
Give It Bright, Indirect Light
Common palm house plants have a typical preference for the shade. Some of the common palm trees are the Parlor and Kentia varieties. Even when you’re growing coconut bonsai inside your home, you still need this type of plant to expose to indirect sunlight. So don’t hide them too well in dark corners.
The best position are near the windows or near the doorway where they can also breathe fresh air. During the winter, your palm may nevertheless grow well in less colder spaces in your home.
Provide The Right Amount Of Moisture
Just like the case with numerous well-known houseplants, finding some kind of harmony when watering palm trees is vital. Your palm might be very open-minded toward being underwatered, yet it will possibly truly spring to life on the off chance that you water it consistently. Yet, stop and think for a minute: don’t overwater it by the same token! On the off chance that you keep your palm tree in a holder sitting in a saucer loaded up with standing water, deadly root decay will trail.
Choose A Loose Soil Mix
Indoor palm trees are for the most part simple to satisfy with regards to the dirt they sit in, and a normal business gardening soil will make them completely glad. A free, permeable soil blend will bring best outcomes as it makes it simpler for water to deplete, and for air to move through your plant’s compartment. Set forth plainly, productive seepage will bring about a sound palm tree.
Add Some Fertilizer (During the Growing Season)
Your indoor plant trees don’t should be treated, yet they will surely be thankful on the off chance that you feed them at any rate! However, there is one condition: do it during their dynamic developing season, to be specific throughout the spring and summer; treatment throughout the fall and winter isn’t suggested and may really accomplish more damage than anything else.
Use Organic Pesticides
Avoid using chemical-based pesticides. Aside from the fact that the pesticides can circulate in your indoor air, it could pose harm for your kids and pets. Hence, we recommend that you use natural pesticides.
Just like your other plants, palm trees are also attractive to bugs and spider mites. For this reason, you want to use need spray or soap and water to clean their leaves. You can also buy some natural pesticides online, which doesn’t smell to harsh.
If possible, when growing coconut palm trees indoors keep it away from areas where your kids and pets usually play.
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