Last Updated on January 16, 2022 by Guillermina
Can I grow rosemary indoors? You are not the very first to ask us this question. Rosemary is a big and shrubby plant that gardeners usually grow outdoors. However, you can plant them indoors using big pots. With special tending and attention, your rosemary can absolutely thrive.
There are various varieties of Rosemary, including “Blue Rain” and “Huntington Carpet”, which can grow in trail. Even so, if you are planning to grow a rosemary plan indoors, you should choose either of these two or both.
Rosemary can grow indoors as long as you provide it with proper light exposure and precise watering technique. Also, you need to make sure that you plant them in loamy soil and keep it hydrated through the week.
Can I Grow Rosemary Indoors During Winter?
Ideally, rosemary can thrive in very dry conditions. Native to the Mediterranean regions, rosemary may be difficult to plant during the winter season. The best time to plant them is during the summer days when they can grow and thrive at their best. Read on to learn some tips on growing rosemary seedlings indoors.
Can I grow Rosemary Indoors – Check This Out!
If you grow rosemary outside, it’s best to expose it to at least 6 hours of sunlight every day. Since rosemary loves dry weather conditions, it can cause issues when the plant is moved inside, where it is hard to accomplish the right daylight conditions, particularly during the short cold-weather months. In a perfect world, pruned rosemary ought to be kept on a brilliant windowsill that gets light the entire day, or in a sufficiently bright room, similar to a sunroom.
Assuming you’re hoping to move pruned rosemary that has been external the entire summer into your home for the fall and cold weather months, first put it on a daylight “diet,” moving it to the shade for a couple of hours consistently so it steadily becomes accustomed to diminished light and thusly isn’t stunned when migrated inside.
Grow Lights
Assuming you can’t furnish your rosemary plants with six hours or a greater amount of direct daylight every day, then, at that point, you’ll have to enhance with fake light. Practically no grow lights give the full-range brightening those plants get from daylight, yet a reasonable choice that comes nearest is full-range LED lighting. LED bulbs can be hung exceptionally close over the plants since they don’t get adequately hot to consume them. When involving fake lighting as the main enlightenment for rosemary, the plants will require a lot of time under the lights—14 hours out of every day isn’t nonsensical.
Temperature and Humidity
Accordingly, rosemary can thrive when the temperature is between 50 and 80 degrees. Even a 40-degree temperature will not harm this plant. So, if you want to ask “Can I grow rosemary indoors”, you can definitely do so as long as you can provide the proper temperature.
If you are planting during the winter, the best thing to do is take them indoors to achieve this temperature. Then you can use grow lights to keep adding warmth and create artificial lighting to your plant.
Can I Grow Rosemary Indoors Successfully?
The quick answer is yes. Although the rosemary plant can grow better in a dry and sunny environment, you can still grow them successfully indoors. Here are some things you should remember when growing them indoors
- Avoid poor watering practices. Rosemary needs to be constantly hydrated indoor in order to grow healthy. Don’t wait until the soil is bone dry before you water it. In case you are busy, don’t try to overwater the plant in an attempt to compensate for the days you won’t be watering it.
- Watch out for powdery mildew. A useful piece of advice we give to people who ask: can I grow rosemary indoors” is to watch out for pests. Unfortunately, growing rosemary indoors will require more care than growing them outside. This is because they are prone the powdery mildew. Most homes do not have the ideal ventilation to ward off this kind of pest. To remedy this situation, you can blow a fan on it for a few hours. This helps regulate the temperature in your room for your plant.
- Watch out for pests. Your rosemary is also prone to pests indoors. Just a friendly warning though, rosemary grown indoors can still appear weak despite all the effort you make for your plant to thrive. If your rosemary plant is infected with pests, you can use a houseplant pesticide to get rid of them. Since rosemary is an herb, which you will most likely eat soon, we recommend that you use natural pesticides so you can grow organically. Neem oil is one of the safest, most sought-after solutions for pests on herbs.
Moving Rosemary Plant Outside
Having an unlimited, organic source of herbs is one of the benefits of rosemary plants indoors. Moreover, rosemary plants grown indoors are a lot safer and healthier than commercially grown ones.
Note that you may move your rosemary plant outdoors to make up for the lack of sunlight indoors ideally when the temperature is above 50 degrees. As for most indoor plants, it is wise to “harden-off” the plant by giving it some natural sun exposure. Then you can bring it back inside during the night when the weather starts to get colder.
Approaching winter is the signal a rosemary plant should be brought back inside. If the plant has become too large and overweight, you can start repotting it. The best way to propagate a rosemary plant is to prune it before bringing it back indoors. Alternately, you can take stem cuttings for consumption and then, later on, groom your plant.
Remember This When Growing Rosemary Indoors
Now, that you know the question “can I grow rosemary indoors, take note that rosemary is a slow-growers. It may take a while before your rosemary seedlings become fully mature. Although it takes some effort to grow this plant, the result can be very rewarding. Soon you will be enjoying rosemary herbs from your own garden.