Save Money By Growing Your Own Coffee Beans

Growing coffee beans indoors can be a fun experience. If you are a coffee lover, you should try to plant coffee in your home and get access to unlimited fresh coffee beans throughout the year.

Coffea Arabica Explained

Coffea arabica is native to Ethiopia. It will blossom in the spring with small white flowers and then produce half-inch berries.

Caring for Your Coffee Plant

Light: Coffee plants lean toward dappled daylight or full daylight in more vulnerable scopes.

Handheld Sign
Handheld Sign

Soil: Plant Coffee beans in a rich, peat-based gardening soil with magnificent drainage.

Water: The dirt should remain equally wet yet not waterlogged.

Temperature and Humidity

The ideal normal temperature range for coffee plants is a daytime temperature. This means you need to find somewhere that 70 to 80 degrees.


Feed with a weak liquid fertilizer all through the growing season. When winter comes, you can slow down the watering because the soil takes time to dry when the weather is cold.

Growing Coffee Beans Indoors and Propagation

Coffee beans are generally grown through cuttings. The best time to grow coffee beans is during spring.

Open Hands

Pest Control

Growing coffee beans indoors may still run the risk of pest infestation. If you see  signs, you should check your coffee right away.

Risk of Pest Infestation

Green leaves dropping off-Falling leaves can be a sign. Brown, dead leaf edges-This is a typical issue. Mildew-Show its face by causing fluffy gray

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