Last Updated on September 3, 2021 by admins
Are you thinking of growing Gardenias in pots indoors?
There is no question gardenia is one of the best plants you can have inside your home. Besides they are beautiful, they have an intoxicating fragrance that makes you love them even more.
Why Growing Gardenias in Pots Indoors is Irresistible?
These plants are irresistible. They are native to South Africa and are sun-loving plants. We have to be honest from the beginning and tell you that they are not very easy to grow. But with proper guidance, you can have a healthy gardenia plant indoors.
Gardenias were found in China during the 1700s. Their scent is unrivaled in the botanical world, and the oil removed from the blossoms is utilized to make the two fragrances and teas. A few people think gardenias are fastidious plants. We say they’re not: they’re easy to develop if you meet a couple of their fundamental requirements.
Requirements for Growing Gardenias in Pots Indoors
Gardenia house plants are so beautiful that you will love coming to your home. Below are the requirements for growing a gardenia plant.
When growing gardenias in pots indoors, you must not leave the soil bone dry. This is a common reason why many people fail in growing this plant indoors. Keeping their soil moist is a must.
However, you should strike a balance between being too soggy and dry. Even though you need to water your gardenia plant, you must overwater them. When winter comes, you need to limit your watering routine.
Gardenias enjoy humidity.
Unfortunately, most homes are prone to dry air. Especially during the winter, Gardenia plants become dormant because of the air condition. A pebble tray would be great. But they are normally expensive, so nothing can stop you from improvising a container in your home.
Simply get a large plastic plant saucer. Fill it about 3/4″ deep with gravel. Pour water to the level of the pebbles. Again don’t let your Gardenia sit on water.
Pay attention here!
If you notice that your gardenia is getting sadder, it could be a temperature problem. Perhaps your home is too hot, so you need to bring them outside for some air. Yes, plants need to breathe too. When night comes, the love being placed in a location with 50-55°F temperature.
Gardenias love acidic soils. So use an acid-based fertilizer. Try to find acidic fertilizers online when growing gardenias in pots indoors. Make it a monthly regimen for your plant. However, you may cut back on fertilizer during the winter when the air is drier.
Gardenias don’t often outgrow their pots. So only repot when necessary. Their leaves and blossoms can be sensitive and they do not like to be moved often. In case you need to repot, use a well-draining pot. Again, make sure you maintain the acidity level of the soil you are using.
Bud Drop
If you’re following these tips carefully, you wouldn’t have a problem with your plant. However, even if you followed and your plant still dies, the problem could be caused by other factors.
Gardenia Care Indoor: Things You Should Know
Growing gardenias inside, inside the bounds of your home, requires close consideration regarding moistness, light, and irritation control. Whenever set in the right climate and given appropriate consideration, an indoor gardenia will remunerate you with shiny, green leaves and fragrant blossoms.
Whenever you have tracked down a decent spot for your gardenia inside, your next challenge is directing the stickiness. This is particularly difficult throughout the colder time of year when the indoor warmth kicks in. The drying idea of most warmth can make a once delightful gardenia self-destruct, in a real sense.
There are a couple of approaches to increment indoor mugginess. The first is to bunch houseplants near one another, the second is to shower a light fog of water on foliage during the early morning hours, and the third is to run a humidifier.
Common Issues With Growing Gardenias In Pots Indoors
Whiteflies and Aphids
Gardenia can be tormented by irritations like whiteflies and aphids, which can radiate somewhat processed sap considered honeydew that leaves a tacky buildup. Simply wet plants down with lathery water or insecticidal cleanser and wash with clear water.
Even so, be careful when applying water to the plant. Soaking them for a while will make them prone to other diseases and root rot. Moreover, since Gardenia loves a lot of organic matter, you might trigger bacterial growth when wetting the pot too much.
You have to strike a balance in between watering. You will learn this as you continue taking care of your Gardenia.
Yellow Leaves
At the point when filled with insoluble soils or regions with hard water, leaves might turn light green or yellow between the veins. This is a sign of chlorosis, happening when a plant is famished with iron. In this case, you may need to put some fertilizer on the plant.
To treat chlorosis, add water-solvent sulfur or aluminum sulfate (as indicated by bundle directions) to the ground around 3 feet from the plant. As another option, add chelated iron to the soil or straightforwardly to the leaves.
pH Level of Growing Gardenias in Pots Indoors
When the pH of the soil is changed, keep it in the legitimate reach by utilizing organic manure. You may also buy online but make sure you know what you’re buying. Take note that various plants require different types of fertilizer.
If you don’t have access to organic fertilizer, ask your local planter for the best fertilizer for Gardenia. In any case, don’t just depend on fertilizer. Also, provide a proper humidity level for your plant for it to thrive.
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