How Often Should You Water a Golden Pothos?

Pothos are among the most popular plants in homes today. They’re relatively low-maintenance, and they can survive a lot of neglect from their water needs. But what’s your watering routine? The “How much water does pothos need” is a question that has been asked for years. The answer to this question is different depending on … Read more

How Deep to Plant Iris?

Iris is a flowering plant with fascinating flowers that come in colors such as yellow, purple and white. The flower has been used for decoration since ancient times. With the help of technology, you can now grow your own iris plants at home or at work! The “planting iris bulbs in pots” is a question … Read more

The Best Hot Peppers To Grow Indoors

Best Hot Peppers To Grow Indoors

Hot peppers are one of the favorite spices around the world. Click to find out all the details about the best hot peppers to grow indoors. From sweet, crisp peppers in rainbow shades to hot ones that make your eyes water, peppers are an ideal decoration for households around the world. There are many different … Read more

Can You Grow Ornamental Peppers Indoors?

Can You Grow Ornamental Peppers Indoors

Wondering can you grow ornamental peppers indoors? Click to find out all about the growing conditions for this exotic plant. Ornamental pepper plants are prized for their colorful fruits. From little black pearls to larger cone-shaped fruits that resemble Christmas lights, these plants can level up any space they are in. They are most often … Read more

Best Light To Grow Tomatoes Indoors

Best Light To Grow Tomatoes Indoors

Winter brings a significant reduction in the amount of light that plants receive. Learn all about the best light to grow tomatoes indoors. Growing tomatoes indoors is not always an easy job, but the fruits of your labor are therefore sweet. It is necessary to pay attention to choosing the right plant variety, proper care, … Read more

How to Cut Lilacs for a Bouquet?

Lilacs require care and attention to get their best bloom. They need a lot of water, special soil, early morning sunlight and dappled shade in the afternoon heat. In order to see the best blooms with minimal effort try these tips for planting your lilac tree: 1) Plant it near a south-facing window sill or … Read more

Growing Vegetable Plants From Seeds Indoors

Growing Vegetable Plants From Seeds Indoors

Did you know that you can enjoy home-grown vegetables all year round? Click and learn all about growing vegetable plants from seeds indoors. Are you thinking of growing vegetable plants from seeds indoors, but you are worried that it is too difficult or that it will not work? We will reveal the secret to you, … Read more

Can I Grow Rosemary Indoors?

Can I Grow Rosemary Indoors

Can I grow rosemary indoors? You are not the very first to ask us this question. Rosemary is a big and shrubby plant that gardeners usually grow outdoors. However, you can plant them indoors using big pots. With special tending and attention, your rosemary can absolutely thrive. There are various varieties of Rosemary, including “Blue … Read more

How to Make Green Giants Grow Faster?

Growing flowers from seeds is a rewarding and fun hobby, but it can take weeks to see the results of your hard work. Try using a few tricks to speed up the process! Arborvitae is a plant that has been around for many years. It is often called the “Green Giant” because it grows so … Read more