How to Care for Purple Fountain Grass?

Purple fountain grass is a plant that requires little care and it’s very hardy. The purple flowers are extremely attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. It grows well in full sunlight or partial shade with water only when the soil starts to dry out. Purple fountain grass is a type of plant that requires care … Read more

How to Make Camellias Bloom?

Camellias are one of the toughest plants to grow, but luckily for gardeners, there is a way to get them blooming. Flowers and plants can be difficult at times because they need specific conditions in order to thrive. If you want your flowers or plants start growing again check out these three tips from yours … Read more

How to Stop Wisteria from Growing?

Wisteria is a plant that grows in many parts of the US and Europe. It has naturalized into areas where it was not originally introduced to, as well as being invasive. The result can be disastrous – large trees killed by wisteria, huge patches of ivy covering all other plants on your property, or huge … Read more

How Long Do Lilies Last IN a Garden?

The average life span of a lily plant is around five to seven years. Lilies can be kept alive in the garden for up to two months if they have access to water and light, but more likely than not it will be close to a year before they need replanting. The “what to do … Read more

How to Deadhead Tall Phlox?

Tall Phlox is a tall flowering plant that has been around for many years. They have become an invasive species in North America and its spreading across the continent with no stopping it. Tall phlox flowers are used to make tea, but once you’ve done this they will never grow again so there’s not really … Read more

How Big Will Succulents Grow?

Succulents are a type of plant that can only be defined by their appearance and not with the help of leaves, flowers or fruits. If you’ve ever wondered how big they’ll grow in your garden, find out here! Succulents are plants that grow in the form of a rosette. They are typically grown in pots … Read more

How Big Does a Smoke Tree Get?

A smoke tree is a tropical plant, found primarily in the rain forest regions of Central and South America. The leaves are so large that they create an umbrella-like effect to protect small animals from predators who may not be able to see them. The “royal purple smoke tree problems” is a question that asks … Read more

How to Keep Knockout Roses Blooming?

Roses are one of the most popular and widely grown plants. They make a beautiful, fresh-cut flower that is loved by many people all around the world. Roses can be quite expensive to purchase in stores however, so it’s important for anyone who has them to take care of them properly or else they’ll die … Read more

How to Keep Squirrels from Eating Tomatoes?

Squirrels are typically seen as pests around the home, but they can also be good friends. Here’s how to keep them out of your garden and provide a place for them to live instead. Squirrels are a common problem for gardeners. They can eat your plants, dig up your flowerbeds, and even chew on your … Read more

How to Trim Topiary Trees?

Topiary (from the French word “topinambur”) is a term for artistic designs made from, or representing, clipped hedges or topiaries. They are most often seen in parks and gardens as decorative elements. The term comes from Greek τοπικu03ac, meaning to cut down into small pieces Topiary trees are a great way to add some greenery … Read more