Last Updated on November 8, 2021 by Guillermina
Growing kaffir lime indoors is a fun experience. Kaffir limes are aromatic citrus plants that are characterized by their glossy foliage and wrinkled fruits. They are native to Thailand, Indonesia, and Cambodia. It’s no surprise why most of their dishes would have a pinch of kaffir lime juice which adds more flavor to their delicious cuisine.
The good news is you can grow kaffir limes indoors. You can count on kaffir lime trees to add color and fragrance to your home. This dwarf lime tree is fun to grow. Moreover, their needs are few. They require very little care. So long as you give it direct sunlight and frequent watering, you will grow healthy kaffir limes.
Now, let’s get the ball rolling and learn how to grow kaffir limes indoors.
Step By Step Guide In Growing Kaffir Limes Indoors
- Pick a pot 500mm wide. Position in full sun and load up with quality preparing blend, like Yates Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter.
- Consider putting the pot on wheels if you live in a cold region, so it may be very well effortlessly moved inside or to a more secured spot in winter.
- Eliminate the bush from the pot and remove any circumnavigated or tangled roots.
- Position in opening and refill with preparing blend, tenderly firming down. Water in well.
- Water frequently, 2-3 times during the week, contingent upon climate conditions.
- Feed your citrus with fertilizer. You can do it during the summer and all year round, or as needed.
- It takes a couple of weeks to see some improvement on your tree. Sooner or later, it will start growing and it is just a matter of time before they start to grow some fruits.
Growing Kaffir Limes Indoors Problems, Solutions, And Answers
No flowers? Organic product trees will not blossom and grow fruits without sufficient solid sunlight. You’ll get more blossoms if you put your plant outside for the late spring and fall. A couple of long periods of warm, radiant days followed by a cool fall climate will assist with improving flower production.
Repotting? Repot young plants a few years. Utilize a pot no greater than 6-inch (15 cm) in distance across. As part of the kaffir lime tree care, you need to ensure that you are using a wide pot so they can grow fast. Use a pot with drainage to forestall waterlog. As with most plants, kaffir limes will die when it is soaked in too much water.
Pollinate your plant. Growing kaffir limes indoors requires hand-pollinated to trigger organic product creation. Here’s the tip: Use a little, dry paintbrush to touch each blossom. Squirm the brush around the focal point of each blossom, moving from one bloom to another. This conveys the dust from male to female blossoms. It mimics the effects of honey bees and butterflies flying around it.
How To Prune Kaffir Lime Trees?
Prune your citrus tree back whenever new shoots grow in the spring. Pruning citrus trees’ long branches will urge new branches to rise out of beneath the cut. Cut at a 45° point simply over a leaf hub (where a leaf stem connects to a branch). Watch out for the thistles when pruning. Moreover, pruning will train your plant to not grow so tall.
Something messing with your plant? Check your tree for scale bugs, which in some cases attack citrus trees. They look like brown, circle-molded knocks on the leaves and stems. Treat any invasion promptly to keep them from continuing to your different houseplants.
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Quick Tips On How To Grow Kaffir Limes And Things They Need
Unlike other plants that grow on the floor forest, the kaffir lime tree likes being exposed to full sun. So, you need to place your pot near an area where it can direct exposure to sunlight. The more sun it gets the better.
At a bare minimum, you need to give it sun exposure around 6 hours a day. During summertime, you can expose it to between 8 and 12 hours of sun every day.
When growing kaffir trees indoors, you need to give them frequent watering without soaking their root. The kaffir lime enjoys plenty of water. Waterlogging may cause the root of your plant to rot or develop diseases. Check the soil before watering. If it is still very wet, you can move your watering the next day. During the hot summer months, it is imperative to water your plant frequently.
Cold temperature is the greatest enemy of this tree. Make sure the temperature doesn’t drop below 50 degrees F. Otherwise, your plant could wither and die. If you live in a cold area, then you should grow the kaffir lime tree indoors and keep it protected from the elements. During spring or summer, make sure you expose the kaffir lime outside. Also, growing kaffir trees indoors is beneficial because it maintains a steady temperature and a high level of humidity. This is just the way the tree likes it.
Common Pests And Diseases When Growing Kaffir Lime Indoors
As part of growing kaffir lime indoors, you need to look out for pests and diseases. The aroma of the kaffir lime tree doesn’t just draw in birds and butterflies to your nursery. They can attract pests as well.
The most well-known ones are aphids, coarse bugs, defensively covered scales, and delicate scales.
Aphids feed on the blossoms and delicate leaves of the tree. Concerning the scales, they hook on the leaves and trunk and crunch on the leaves. Typically, dark growth follows the scales and covers the branches and trunk of the tree. Concerning coarse bugs, they are difficult to dispose of.
In this case, you need to give it the proper kaffir lime tree care. You may apply neem oil or essential oil on the leaves to keep them safe from infestations. Avoid using any chemical-based pesticides because it won’t be healthy for you and your plant. Moreover, these fruits are best eaten when they are organically grown.
We hope you enjoy these tips for growing kaffir lime indoors. Stay tuned in for more tips on how to grow trees indoors.
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